In an era the founders of UGCverse have dubbed “the invisible generation,” the boundaries of brand engagement are shifting. Lian Pham and Joshua Johnson dedicated four years to studying Generation Z and Generation Alpha, observing their unique immersion into the digital world through gaming and metaverse platforms. This led to the development of UGCverse, an innovative platform focusing on forging deeper connections between brands and digitally native audiences. In an exclusive interview, we delved into the world of UGCverse, how they’re revolutionizing brand engagement and readying for a future of digital and ‘phygital’ (physical plus digital) realities.
UGCverse is bridging the gap between brands and Generation Alpha in an entirely new way. How do you envision virtual goods and experiences shaping future interactions between consumers and these brands?
In our hyper-connected world, the line between the digital and physical is blurring. This seamless connection between online engagement and offline actions characterizes the ‘phygital’ interactions we foresee not only shaping the future but defining it.
Gaming and metaverse are at the confluence of some major trends for Generation Alpha. What trends do you see emerging at this intersection of gaming, the metaverse, and brand marketing?
We pride ourselves on being at the cusp of innovative trends. The path to adaptation is a two-way street between us and our community. By listening closely to our community’s feedback and remaining agile in the dynamic digital landscape, we continue to shape trends instead of merely following them.
Ensuring relevance amid the lightning pace of digital evolution must be challenging. How does UGCverse plan to keep resonating with Generation Alpha in the changing landscape?
For UGCverse, staying relevant means leading the digital evolution. By constantly innovating and concretely embedding our community’s preferences into our strategies, we continually offer fresh, compelling experiences that keep Generation Alpha engaged and intrigued.
Brands have often struggled to create meaningful connections with Gen Alpha in virtual spaces. How does UGCverse address this challenge?
The heart of the challenge lies in meaningful, sustained engagement. Our approach empowers continuous community interaction, fostering trust and cementing long-term connections. We’re not just creating a platform for ‘one-off’ interactions. Our aim is to develop a thriving ecosystem rooted in persistent engagement.
UGCverse seems to promise an enhancement of brand loyalty through immersive experiences. How does that work in a real-world scenario?
Our strategy is centered on the meta-game concept, transforming brand engagement by embedding a game within a game. This innovative approach extends the gaming experience across various platforms, turning brand loyalty into an interactive and collectible journey. Imagine a digital counterpart to McDonald’s Monopoly, where every interaction enhances brand connection and loyalty. This not only deepens engagement but also makes the experience memorable and rewarding, appealing to a wide audience seeking immersive brand interactions.
Generation Alpha increasingly values genuineness. How do you ensure brand collaborations on UGCverse preserve this authenticity?
We prioritize offering unbranded UGC designed by creators, where rewards are not about monetary exchange. This balance underscores authenticity while simultaneously keeping community engagement at the forefront.
Beyond transactions, how can brands use UGCverse to create meaningful connections with Gen Alpha?
We believe in relationships beyond transactions. By building a community centered around collecting UGC items and echoing their preferences for creators, we foster connections that extend beyond mere business interactions. It’s about cultivating a loyal, engaged community that resonates with the brand.
In catering to Generation Alpha, how does UGCverse innovate brand advertising to align with their digital-first tendencies?
UGCverse aligns brand advertising to the players’ desires, offering unbranded UGC sponsored by brands. This innovative approach connects with gamers on a more personal level, meeting and exceeding expectations for a level of engagement that transcends traditional ad interactions.
How does UGCverse facilitate brand engagement within gaming and metaverse environments specifically catered to Generation Alpha?
UGCverse uniquely allows brands to convert in-game engagement into real-world benefits like increased website or store traffic. Previous attempts to penetrate these spaces, like the Roblox Chipotle promotion, fell short in personalizing rewards and nurturing a connected community. UGCverse revolutionizes this by creating a unique, immersive bridge between the digital and physical realms through metadata.
As Pham and Johnson gear up for their full platform launch in June 2024, one thing is clear – UGCverse is a trailblazer, crafting a metaverse where tangible and intangible merge, and the essence of value, luxury, and creator engagement are redefined for the digital age. It’s a bold leap into the future of brand engagement, and it holds promises of unprecedented opportunities for both brands and the digital-age consumers of Gen Alpha.