Darryl Elvina: The Value of Having a Mentor

Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wa- okay, you get the idea. In the cinematic masterpiece that is “The Karate Kid,” our protagonist Daniel was just another skinny little twerp who couldn’t stand up for himself correctly. We’ve all been there. You think you have what it takes to take down the three ruffians who cut in front of you in line at Golden Corral, then suddenly you find yourself on the floor with a black eye and a pile of turkey gravy on your shirt. If this were an 80’s movie, an older man sitting in a booth close by would recognize your gravy-soaked potential and take you under his wing. A few well-timed montages later, and suddenly you have what it takes.

Sadly, life isn’t as clear-cut as that. Rarely do well-intentioned martial arts masters reveal themselves when you need their guidance most, and rarely do we realize the potential and value of a teacher until it’s too late. Rather, we try our best to make it through this complicated world rife with complex situations and feelings on our own. Sure we have loved ones who we can rely on and go to in times of need, but outside of K-12 and college, we quickly find the role of a “teacher” diminish in our day-to-day lives.

So what changed? Did we suddenly acquire all the tools needed in our adolescent schooling to take on life for ourselves? Probably not. So why abandon the guidance and value a teacher/mentor can have in our own personal lives? Well, maybe we just don’t know where to look or what we’re even looking for. Fortunately, there are mentors and teachers out there whose life mission is to bring out the best in others. This couldn’t be more true for Darryl Elvina. As a Spiritual Shaman and Life Coach, he has made it his life’s purpose to be a mentor to those seeking guidance.

A Mentor’s Mentor

When Elvina graduated college with a degree in nanoengineering, he found himself at a crossroads. While the work he could do did promise financial returns, he found himself turned off by the monotony of the lifestyle. It wasn’t his calling and it sure wasn’t going to leave him fulfilled. After taking time to work in online marketing and copywriting, Elvina was introduced to Huna Hawaiian Shamanism. After being introduced to it by a friend, Elvina instantly knew this was his life’s purpose.

But becoming a spiritual shaman doesn’t happen overnight, it requires guidance. Elvina was soon introduced to his soon-to-be mentor, Dr. Patrick Scott. Scott comes from a unique background. As Elvina stated, “He’s someone who’s gone from a super western background, two PhDs, all linear thinking and research-based… To a teacher of Huna, highly intuitive and psychic, helping everyone from billionaires to real estate moguls and the poor and underserved, with these teachings and techniques.” This diverse history directly inspired Elvina to become the shaman he is today. “I aim to have the same skills and wisdom that he has in helping others because that’s going to create a massive ripple effect that we all need – especially these days.”

Elvina’s Role as a Mentor

The mentoring from Dr. Scott has proven essential to Elvina’s life. As he himself puts it, “Your own coach/mentor who can help you eliminate your own blocks. We can all heal and transform ourselves… AND, it helps to have outside perspective/feedback/help. They can spot out obvious things that we don’t realize about ourselves.” As a mentor himself to numerous clients from all different backgrounds, Elvina aims to spread the Huna way to the world around him and do just that. His work focuses on discovering the unconscious blocks we internalize and aligning our conscious and unconscious desires within all of us.

Being a mentor has become a way of life for Elvina. Elvina says that “In the long term, I want to spread these teachings, tools, and techniques globally. I want Huna principles and tools as widely known and used as yoga is today. And I want more people at peace, connected with their spirit.” This aligns directly with his personal fulfillment, as he sources his personal satisfaction as derived from seeing his clients breakthrough years-long blockages.

Elvina was able to achieve this enlightenment through the guidance of his mentor, and he can’t emphasize the importance of one enough. However, he also has some guidance that he wants to share for those who do and don’t have mentors alike. “We are creators of our own reality and have the ability to shift and transform – instantly. It’s our birthright. We can all be our own gurus – especially when we’re connected to our spirit and inner guidance.”

You can find Darryl Elvina on social, here:

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